Thursday, September 3, 2009

That man was not the Tooth Fairy

On Wednesday I woke up at 8:00am and hopped in the car... it was off to get ANOTHER wisdom tooth taken out... GRRRR. About two years ago I went in to get my bottom two wisdom teeth taken out and at the time I was told my third tooth was too far up and would not need to be taken out. PSYCH! It was like a bad dream as I walked into the doctors office and heard them say, "Ok Heather, we're ready for you to come on back." BUT, I wasn't ready!!!

So, I unwillingly sat down and the nurse turned on the laughing gas... that's when things got interesting. I guess at first I was not breathing in correctly because the oxygen bag wasn't filling up. So I corrected my breathing, in and out through the nose, and it hit me hard. Now don't laugh, but I swear that at that moment I felt like I knew what the doctor and nurse were going to say before they said it. I just sat there listening to them talk to each other, thinking how weird I felt... fast forward a mere 15 minutes and that tooth was out and I was all stitched up, yep 4 stitched!

Its 3 days later and I'm feeling alright. Just a little puffy and a little bruised... but at least all 3 teeth I had are now removed. No more surgery for me! And I have to say the temporary pudding and ice cream diet isn't so bad!

On a some-what related note, I'm not sure about what the going rate for kid's teeth these days is, but when I was loosing teeth I would wake up to a shiny quarter, which after a few teeth I was thrilled to discover had been increased to two. That's right a whopping $.50 per tooth.

To close, I have a thought. I left the office with my wisdom tooth wrapped in gauze and tucked into my purse; I know, eww right? So, I think I'll put that little tooth under my pillow and see if the Tooth Fairy will leave the classic $o.25.

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