Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Final Chapter at RIT

I never thought this quarter would arrive so quickly. I have now successfully completed ten, 10 week quarters at the Rochester Institute of Technology and this quarter, which commenced on Monday, November 29th, will be my last at RIT! How did almost 4 years go by so quickly? Everyone always said that college would fly by, they were right. It seems even quicker because I will be finishing an entire quarter early!!! While I am sad that my time at RIT as a student is almost over, I am looking forward to this quarter and the courses I am taking to finish out my undergraduate education. I would like to add that a large portion of my excitement is due to a very exciting potential new beginning after I am done... but that story, I will save for another time.

So, to end my time at RIT I am taking:

Two Senior Capstones --

Business, Government, and Society - This course illuminates the role of ethics, social ideology and government policy and regulation in guiding business decisions and in enhancing business competitiveness. Special attention is given to the role of business in assessing technological opportunity and risk, managing product liability and victim compensation, directing the corporations in a manner consistent with public policy on the natural environment and developing policies that assure fair treatment of diverse individuals in the workplace.


Strategy in a Global Environment - This course explores the strategic challenges faced by businesses operating in a global environment. It emphasizes the development and formulation of effective corporate strategies within specific global environments. It also addresses the unique characteristics, opportunities, challenges, institutions, and approaches associated
with corporate global strategy.

Two Electives --

Business Elective, Digital Entrepreneurship - Digital Entrepreneurship brings together state-of-the-art knowledge in digital business practices with basic instruction in entrepreneurship and business planning. This highly interactive, applied experience will allow students to develop business ideas, discover RIT resources that support new ventures, network with and learn from industry experts, and complete a professional plan to communicate and advance a digital business venture. Student work for this course will involve research and analysis of electronic marketplaces and, ultimately, the design and development of competitive digital startups.


Women and the Visual Arts - Examines the image of women in the visual arts and the role of women as image makers. Major topics include the variety of images of women, the evolution and change of these images over time, media images (as differentiated from fine art images) of women, images of women by women and by men, women's images and the issues of their relationship to the images made by men, the nude and pornography, history of women artists, selected women artists and their work, relation of their work to the art of the period, current issues and status of women artists.

I am thrilled to share that last quarter marked the 6th quarter in a row I have been named to the Dean's List at RIT. For College of Business students, a grade of 3.5 or higher must be reached to be named on the Dean's List. I received an A in Intercultural Communications and Women's Literature and Language and B's in Managing in a Global Environment, and Strategy and Policy. This quarter... I am shooting for the 4.0!

Let the learning begin!!!

All course definitions are provided by the RIT Information Systems

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